Sometimes you have to know when to let go when it is beneficial for the other person. In this case, for the other dog. As much as I would like to have Dakota stay with us for eternity, I realized long ago that I was not a border collie person. And while Dakota was easy to train and became my most titled dog, for the past 6 months we haven't touched a piece of agility equipment. Dakota needed and deserved more than being a pet. He wanted a job and a family that would cherish him. I have said for several years that Dakota would make the perfect junior handler's dog. With Dakota's patient personality, and being fully trained, he could help teach a kid to run a dog. So on Saturday, Dakota went to live with his new 12-year old owner and his family and three other dogs. He is headed back into the agility ring as soon as the two have time to practice together. As much as I might miss my black and white furry friend, I couldn't be happier that this worked out the way it did.
I received an email last night saying that Dakota is fitting in well, and that they are very happy with him. It is meant to be.
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