Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Denise and Kari want recognition...

I got crap today from Denise for not naming her in my last post about going to the dog show. Denise is my friend who owns Tomo and Odie (both sons of Tama, Tomo is Trixie's 1/2 brother and Odie is her littermate). So, Thank you Denise and my other friend, Kari, for going with me to the dog show. You two are the best! Thanks for the fun, the laughs, and for breaking my crate handle in the middle of the crosswalk with only 4 seconds left to cross. Thanks for being Trixie's "royal" entourage and helping to carry all her show stuff. You both made going to this show a bunch of fun.

So, here's Denise with her two shibas, Tomo and Odie, and Trixie. ...


Trixie and Odie...


Denise, Trixie and Odie...


Denise and the puppies...




Kari and Denise...


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